
3 Dec 2014

Healthy Skincare Regimen

They say 'true beauty comes from within’, but feeling beautiful is what makes every woman happy and confident. As Sophia Loren once said “Nothing makes a woman more beautiful than the belief that she is beautiful!”...and we all agree with that, right!
I believe, for us women feeling beautiful starts from the good habits of taking care of our skin. How?

First of all, you need to know what type of skin you have to make the right choices. So, you need to take a single ply facial tissue and lay it over your face for a few seconds, then take it off and notice:

  • Your skin is dry, if it feels tight and sometimes flaky and itchy. Dry skin can be sensitive to weather changes, ultraviolet radiation from tanning beds, etc.
  • Your skin is oily, if the tissue has kind of wet patches corresponding to areas of your face, like cheeks, forehead and nose. Oily skin can produce acne problems (blackheads, pimples and cysts).
  • You have a combination skin, if only your T-zone (forehead and nose) left oily spots on the tissue.
  • You have normal skin type, if it is even toned and feels smooth all day. You’re very lucky!

Having determined which type of skin is yours, you can now do a research on the right products to use and the bad ones to avoid. If you have acne problems, I suggest to go see a dermatologist rather than spending lot of effort and money in buying cosmetics that won’t work for you and can cause more harm to your skin.
Regardless of your skin type, you should build up a healthy skincare regimen:

  1. Use a gentil Cleanser to clean your face from dirt, oil and makeup
  2. A water based Toner (for dry ans sensitive skins) or an Astringent (for oily and combination ones) will help restore the skin’s natural pH balance and remove the last traces of makeup.
  3. A good Exfoliant will eliminate all the build-up of dead skin cells and reveal a new radiant skin.
  4. Always use a Moisturizer (w/sunscreen during the day) to protect your skin from the sun’s ultraviolet radiations and help it look healthier and younger.

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