6 Apr 2014

Another beautiful Venice

The train was riding so fast, but I only did realize that when I opened my eyes and looked up at the screen in front of me: 340km/h? Amazed for instance, yet hesitating, I looked outside the window: fields and clouds were passing by in what seemed to me a slow motion...and I fell asleep again. Eventually, I arrived to my destination: Shanghai, the city par excellence!

Since the beginning I consciously knew I was going to fall in love with this city! Why? Well, It’s big but a small universe, vibrant and mysterious, It’s modern but at the same time conservative. It’s strange, but I kept thinking I somehow felt home in Shanghai. However, what exceeded my expectations is the eternal Zhujiaojiao, an ancient water town in a suburb of Shanghai. Baptised as China's little Venice, this town looks like a tiny different world apart, beautiful and timeless. Its inhabitants are very welcoming and always smiling at tourists. I have  never thought of finding a similar place and hope you can get my point from the pictures.

In Zhujiajiao, there's no place for the individualism or materialism or consumerism. I had a wonderful day roaming around the narrow streets of this village: like in a fairy tale, every corner was telling a story and people were the chorus.


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